Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Customer Gets Doritos Bag With Only 3 Chips

A Taco Bell customer recently got a Doritos bag that only contained three chips. Since he had the free time, he took pictures and weighed the bag to document the incident. Pictures are available at The Consumerist website.

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Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Celebrating The Holidays With Fried Chicken

While most Americans expect Christmas dinner to include ham, turkey or roast beef, in Japan, they splurge on some KFC for their holiday meal. According to Slashfood, The KFC Christmas Party barrel is a huge hit in Japan, featuring a bucket of chicken, a Caesar salad and a chocolate mousse cake. These dinners are so popular that some people reserve them two months in advance.

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Monday, December 20, 2010

$324 For A Bowl Of Noodles?

A restaurant in Taiwan is selling a bowl of beef noodles for $10,000 New Taiwan dollars, or $324 USD. According to the owner, the dish is worth so much because he uses special cuts of beef, a unique soup blend and minimal, natural spices. I like pasta, but I think I'll stick to buying my $2 noodles at the supermarket...

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Friday, December 17, 2010

Gulf Oysters Decimated By Oil 'Remedy'

Back in April, Louisiana's governor ordered released loads of freshwater in hopes of pushing oil back to sea. But the New York Times reports the freshwater has inadvertently destroyed much of the Gulf oyster population, which needs saltwater to survive... oops.

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Thursday, December 16, 2010

Worst Holiday Food Gifts

According to The Stir, some food gifts should be avoided like the plague, unless you're planning on giving your enemy a present this year. Personally, I think the World's Largest Gummy Worm sounds pretty cool.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

A Festivus For The Rest Of Us... Even In Prison

Need better meals in prison? Just claim Festivus as your religion. That's what one prisoner in California did. He didn't like the salami meals served in jail, so he claimed to celebrate the Seinfeld-created religion, and a judge actually bought it, at least for a while.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Food Channel Predicts 2011 Food Trends

The Food Channel has been predicting the next year's food trends for 23 years. Of particular interest to food manufacturers would be #6: Small is the new big business. Here's this year's list:

1. The Canning Comeback: Canning is gaining popularity due to economic and health concerns.

2. Men In Aprons: Layoffs have led to more men cooking.

3. Local Somewhere: Consumers are looking for hand-grown, no matter where it's grown.

4. Don't Ask, Don't Tell: We're tired of being told where we can eat.

5. Appetite For Food Apps: We're using apps for recipes and coupon sources.

6. Small Is New Big Business: Corporations are thinking like small businesses.

7. Fresh Every Day: Rooftop gardens are part of this trend.

8. Chefs In Schools: Chefs are serving better flavors and more nutrition.

9. Discomfort Foods: Change makes us comfortable with more change.

10. Eating For Sex And Other Things: We're working longer, so apparently we need more energy in certain departments.

Monday, December 13, 2010

Robotic Tea Pluckers

The food industry is becoming more automated everyday, and now it looks like our tea is being robotically harvested. According to this Daily Nation article, a research institute found that tea plucking and pruning machines reduced costs by 80 percent compared to their human counterparts.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Is Flame Retardant In Your Butter?

A research study recently turned up evidence of a flame retardant used in electronics in a stick of butter purchased at a Dallas grocery store. Apparently 95 percent of Americans have flame retardants in their bodies, but the butter had an especially high concentration of the chemical PBED. So, is this a fluke, or is our entire butter supply contaminated? According to the article, scientists have no idea. I'm reassured. How about you?

Monday, December 6, 2010

Jon Stewart Takes On Food Safety

Last week, the Senate passed its version of the Food Safety Modernization Act in order to mend an ailing food supply that has sickened thousands over the years with bacteria in everyday foods like eggs and peanut butter. However, the bill may not be signed into law this year, as the House and Senate versions still need to be resolved. The Daily Show's Jon Stewart gives his take on food safety and the bill in this video.

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Friday, December 3, 2010

Mozart Bananas

It seems l ike food producers are always looking for new ways to increase product quality, and here's a really interesting one: playing classical music. According to The Japan Times, a Japanese fruit company is using Mozart's music to ripen it's bananas. I have no idea if this actually works, but apparently it's selling well. And it's not only fruit companies who are "going bananas" for the classics. A Japanese sake brewing company is using Mozart during the brewing process.

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